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Senin, 21 Desember 2009

(31) PT. ABC Bali - Management Trainee/Staff Accounting

. Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Our corporate headquarter is located in Jakarta, with 10 regional ofices in Medan, Palembang, Bandung, Jakarta, Banten, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar, Balikpapan, Makassar.

As revelaed by AC Nielsen's survey, several of the products distributed by Arta Boga Cemerlang, including ABC Carbon Zinc Battery, ABC Alkaline Battery, Kratingdaeng energy drink, FORMULAtoothbrush, and TANGO wafer are the market leader in Indonesia.

Our vision,
The premier company delivering first choice brands and innovative solutions to consumers in Asia Pasific

Our Mission,
We exist to brighten and delight the lives of our CESS (Consumers, Employees, Shareholders, and Society) by creating and meeting consumer's needs.

Our Values,
In god We Trust
Winning Spirit

Why Arta Boga Cemerlangis a great place to work?
- Dinamic people
- Challenging environment
- Opprtunity for Self-Development
- Competitive salary
- Attractive bonus/ incentives
- Excellent benefits (medical & life insurance)
- Car Ownership Program
- Reward for Outstanding Employee
- Fast-track Career Path
- Flexible work location

If you are looking for a highest career at an extraordinary company, Arta Boga Cemerlang is the place for you!

Management Trainee Supervisor Operational


* Pria/Wanita
* Pendidikan diutamakan S1 Akuntansi/ Ekonomi/ komp Akuntansi
* IPK >3
* Diutamakan fresh graduate
* Usia minimal 21 tahun

Staff Accounting


* Pria/Wanita
* Pendidikan min D3 Akuntansi
* IPK >3
* Pengalaman Tidak diutamakan
* Usia minimal 21 tahun

Management Trainee Accounting


* Pria/Wanita
* Pendidikan S1 Akutansi
* IPK >3
* Diutamakan fresh graduate
* Usia minimal 21 tahun

Kirim lamaran ke:
Jl Gatot Subroto Tohpati No. 7 Denpasar Timur Denpasar 80237
Closing Date: 31-12-09

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